Why Install a Rain Garden?
Here in the Pacific Northwest, winters can be very rainy. The Puget Sound area is also growing quickly, and as more areas are developed they are covered in impervious surfaces such as roads, roofs and parking lots. When rain falls on impervious surfaces it moves swiftly over them and into storm drains, where it is carried untreated directly into waterways and then flows into the Puget Sound. As stormwater flows over streets and roofs it picks up pollution such as oil, trash, animal waste, pesticides, fertilizers, salt and other pollutants. Car exhaust deposits polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on the streets, which when washed into waterways damages the ecology and accumulates in the tissues of animals. Streams in the Pacific Northwest are important habitat for many kinds of birds and fish, and are critical habitat for juvenile and spawning salmon. Aquatic species, including animals like frogs and dragonflies that spend part of their lives in the water and part of it on land,...