Research Paper

I'm posting the research paper I wrote to prepare for the project to give some background on why rain gardens are valuable.

Demonstration Rain Gardens: Their Influence and Value
O. Jackson
Cascadia College

Rain gardens are an example of green infrastructure. They help reduce the need to replace expensive stormwater infrastructure by slowing and filtering runoff. Rain gardens absorb pollutants as well as reduce flooding. The proposed site for a new rain garden is the Cascadia College campus, which is sited near a restored wetland. The campus is deeply involved with measuring and managing polluted stormwater inflows from impervious surfaces such as roads and rooftops, which often carry nutrients, bacteria, and car exhaust pollution downstream into bodies of water used by species such as salmon. The sensitive ecology and the many people who visit the campus make Cascadia College a good location for a demonstration rain garden. An attractive rain garden could inspire the public to use green infrastructure on their own properties. Widespread adoption of bioremediation methods would reduce the impact of urban development on waterways. In order to be an effective educational tool, the rain garden must be prominently sited and include interpretive signage so that passers-by will learn what rain gardens are and how they function.
            Keywords: impervious surface, green infrastructure, rain garden, bioremediation, wetland

Demonstration Rain Gardens:
Their Influence and Value
Research has shown that people are most motivated to construct their own rain gardens when provided with financial incentives by local government agencies (Newburn & Alberini, 2016). But that research reveals little about the way viewing attractive demonstration rain gardens might inspire passers-by to install biological stormwater solutions on their own properties. Until we understand the influence of modeling a socially desirable behavior on the choices of homeowners regarding making property improvements, we can't know whether there are people who would invest in their own rain gardens if they had a chance to see, learn about and examine a successful one. This paper examines the benefits and challenges of rain garden installation in an educational environment. It will describe the ways that building a demonstration rain garden at Cascadia College could increase the likelihood that passers-by will take an interest in creating a rain garden of their own, particularly if the garden is prominently-sited, attractive, and provides educational signage.
Engaging the Public
Surveys reveal that Washington residents who already have a rain garden were most motivated to install it to reduce water pollution, but only weakly motivated by the desire to beautify a landscape (Bertolotto, 2018, p. 3). Logically, this should imply that in order for a demonstration rain garden to influence passers-by it is most important that information be provided about its role in pollution abatement. Filtering stormwater by promoting infiltration, evaporation, and evapotranspiration is, after all, the key function of a rain garden (Jennings, Berger & Hale, 2015). Educational information about the rain garden's utility seems like an appropriate way to catch the public's interest, particularly since lack of understanding of these benefits is a major reason why environmentally-useful behaviors are not adopted by the public (Brown et al., 2014, p. 80). On the other hand, it seems logical that people will be more likely to spend time learning about something that is eye-catching and attractive. Does research support this assumption?
In their analysis of a survey on public response to rain gardens conducted in 2018, Kim, Lee, Lee and An concluded that "to successfully apply a rain garden policy in the future, basic consideration should be given to aesthetics in order to meet visitors’ visual expectations prior to education and publicity of rain gardens" (p. 1). As this study points out, the support of the community is crucial if rain gardens are to be adopted successfully (p. 3). The survey revealed that when respondents rated a rain garden chosen for the study as visually attractive, they were more likely to be in favor of rain garden implementation generally. On the other hand, when they did not support rain garden implementation as a policy, they also evaluated the demonstration rain garden as aesthetically unappealing or poorly-maintained (p. 5). This finding, though based on research conducted in Korea, is confirmed by community reactions to controversial rain garden implementations in Australia, where foliage becomes dry and unsightly in the summer months (Leonard et al., 2014, p. 55) and the United States, where rain gardens capture urban trash (Nir, 2017). This shows that aesthetic considerations are crucial to draw not just attention to, but also public support for – rather than rejection of – highly visible rain garden projects.
Aesthetics is important in teaching people about ecology for another reason: engaging with the natural world through face-to-face "experiential knowing" is one method to inspire people toward "deep commitment to working for change" (Reason, 2007, p. 36). Spending time outside in a flourishing rain garden can open people's senses to a more personal appreciation of the natural world. For Reason, beauty is a gateway to the sacred experience of natural rhythms (p. 39). Aesthetic appreciation is therefore likely to be a powerful motivator to change behavior and could inspire a lasting appreciation for the ecological services provided by the plants, the rocks and soil, and the water that compose a healthy rain garden.
Siting for Visibility
Since the primary purpose of a demonstration rain garden is public education, it is important to know the factors other than aesthetics that make it most persuasive. According to Obropta, DiNardo, & Rusciano, a "demonstration rain garden should be constructed in a highly visible place such as a public library, town hall, or school. It is also desirable to select a location where public education programs can be easily held" (2008, p. 1). As they so succinctly point out, "why should someone expect you to invest in a rain garden without seeing one?" (p. 1). A rain garden near an institution of higher learning facilitates educational tours, which can be offered to interested parties by students of the Bachelor of Applied Science in Sustainable Practices program in much the same way that tours of Cascadia's restored wetland are offered.
Interpretative Signage
            Interpretive signs are effective at increasing the ecological understanding of visitors to natural areas, which could include rain gardens. According to Davis and Thompson, such signs are particularly effective if they combine large print with images, and if people spend a long time interacting with them (2011, p. 56). They mention that repeat visitors often get something new from signs they've already glanced at in passing during previous visits. They are viewed most often when placed at natural rest stops and ignored most often by people running or bicycling (p.64). This implies that if a rain garden wants people to get the most from interpretive signage, the rain garden should be placed in a location where people naturally stand and linger rather than rush on by. If signage includes images of plants and animals, or three-dimensional interactive features, they will be even more engaging to passers-by. It was noted that signage is often the most expensive feature of natural places designed for the enjoyment of the community (p. 1); for this reason, it makes sense for signage to be designed to be durable and long-lasting so replacement is seldom necessary even though this will require a larger initial investment.
Rain Garden Best Practices
Native Plants
            Native flowering foliage recommended for rain gardens in the Pacific Northwest include "Autumn Brilliance" serviceberry (Amelanchier x grandiflora), Oregon grape (Mahonia aquifolium), beach strawberry (Fragaria chiloensis), “Blizzard” mock orange (Philadelphus lewisii), Pacific ninebark (Physocarpus capitatus), redosier dogwood (Cornus sericea), tufted hair grass (Deschampsia cespitosa), and daylilies (Hemerocallis spp.) (Recommended Plants, n.d.). Many of these species are already used in Cascadia's wetland restoration project. Rushes, sedges and flags are a good choice for frequently-saturated ground. Native plants are the best choice because they are so well-adapted to local conditions that they require minimal irrigation, fertilizing or other maintenance. The use of native species is also thought to contribute to the biodiversity of the insects that rely on them, such as pollinators (Chaffin et al., 2016). Plants that tolerate wet soils best should be placed in the center of the garden.
Siting for Hydrology
Siting needs to take the type of soil and the flow of water into account so that its filtration effectiveness can be maximized. A rain garden should be sited to intercept runoff from streets, roofs, or agricultural areas, and should be placed at least ten feet from any building's foundation. It should not be sited in an already-boggy area since its purpose is to absorb and filter excess water. Impervious soil layers below the site, such as clay, are better avoided (Siwiec, Erlandsen, & Vennemo, 2018). Many critics of rain gardens are concerned that they will become dangerous or ugly standing pools of water, so soil percolation tests are advisable in order to make sure that the quantity of rain from the area's average storm event will drain within 48 hours (Obropta, DiNardo, & Rusciano, 2008, p. 1). A good guideline is that water should infiltrate soil at least one-half inch per hour. Do not place rain gardens over septic systems (Groundwater Foundation, 2019).
In the Puget Sound area, peak discharges of stormwater in developed areas are 0.15 cubic feet per second (cfs) during 10-year floods. This is comparable to the rate in pre-developed areas. However, this rate jumps sharply to 0.8 cfs during 200-year floods, which is twice the rate of peak discharges in pre-developed areas. This shows the powerful impact of impervious surfaces such as roofs and paving on the increase of stormwater runoff. The more the Puget Sound area is developed, the more surface runoff discharge rates will increase. This is a reason to build new features that handle stormwater now, since the area has already experienced problems with Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) events; without action, these are only projected to get worse (City of Seattle Stormwater Manual, 2015, Appendix F). Rain gardens can be sited uphill of locations that are flood-prone and downhill of impervious surfaces for maximum benefit. If draining runoff from a specific impervious surface like a roof, the rain garden should be about 20% of its size (Groundwater Foundation, 2019).
Rain Garden Substrate
            It is important to use the proper rock and soil to both nurture plants and to maximize filtration. Turk et al. tested three different soil substrates to see which had the best filtration of different pollutants and to see how the differences affected plant growth (2014). There was little difference noted between the types for shoot or root growth, but soil-based substrate, slate-based substrate and sand-based substrate did have significant differences in nutrient absorption. Slate retained nitrogen and phosphorus best; soil was poorest for remediating phosphorus, but about the same as slate for remediating nitrogen; and sand had good retention of all pollutants except for nitrogen.
A rain garden's depth should be from three to twelve inches. A rain garden should not be sited on overly-steep slopes, since water will flow through it so quickly that it will not have time to be filtered properly. Soil compaction and surface clogging are factors that can reduce infiltration rates (Jennings, Berger, & Hale, 2015) to the detriment of the garden's effectiveness. To avoid compaction, do not drive excavation equipment directly over the rain garden site. Use the smallest equipment possible. Compacted soils can be broken up by hand prior to planting, but heavy equipment can compact soil up to a depth of three feet (Guttman, n.d.), so it is better to be careful from the outset.
It is a good idea to use washed rocks along the swale so that soil isn't washed into the rain garden, since siltation would reduce filtration. Make the edges of the rain garden slope gently so they are not a trip hazard and so they can be planted more easily. Compost should be used sparingly since it can be a source of excess nutrients that can be washed out of the garden into bodies of water, thus to some extent defeating the purpose of the installation. Coarse mulch should be applied thickly between plants and along the edges of the garden; make sure it is free of weed seeds and debris (Guttman, n.d.).      
Cascadia College has the potential to teach ecological principles to both students and the community through practical projects and immersive experiences. Though it already has rain gardens and bioswales to its credit, many of these are visually subtle or tucked away and unobtrusive. A demonstration rain garden with an interpretative sign and high aesthetic value could catch the attention of the many community members who use the area for running and bicycling when they stop for a break. Students will learn more about how biological stormwater features work. Local residents are more likely to build their own rain gardens if they have a positive experience with a bioremediation project that has already been installed. Cascadia College has already been awarded a grant dedicated to stormwater projects; using some of these funds to build a rain garden would be an appropriate way to utilize this opportunity. A new rain garden would educate the community, help remediate stormwater flowing into the wetland restoration site, and give students a chance to appreciate the dedication of Cascadia College to ecologically progressive projects.

Bertolotto, C.S. (2018, November 27). Rain garden / Bioretention facility social science results and recommendations final report (Deliverable 1.3). WSU Snohomish County Extension. Retrieved February 18, 2019 from
Brown, H. L., Bos, D. G., Walsh, C. J., Fletcher, T. D., & Rossrakesh, S. (2014). More than money: How multiple factors influence householder participation in at-source stormwater management. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management,59(1), 79-97. doi:10.1080/09640568.2014.984017
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Groundwater Foundation. (2019). More about rain gardens: What benefits do rain gardens provide to my community? Retrieved February 25, 2019 from
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Jennings, A. A., Berger, M. A., & Hale, J. D. (2015). Hydraulic and hydrologic performance of residential rain gardens. Journal of Environmental Engineering,141(11), 04015033. doi:10.1061/(asce)ee.1943-7870.0000967
Kim, S., Lee, S., Lee, J., & An, K. (2018). Exploring the relationship between prior knowledge on rain gardens and supports for adopting rain gardens using a structural equation model. Sustainability,10(5), 1500. doi:10.3390/su10051500
Leonard, R., Walton, A., Koth, B., Green, M., Spinks, A., & Myers, B. (2014). Community Acceptance of Water Sensitive Urban Design: Six Case Studies (Technical Report Series No.14/3). Retrieved from Goyder Institute for Water Research website:
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Newburn, D. A., & Alberini, A. (2016). Household response to environmental incentives for rain garden adoption. Water Resources Research,52(2), 1345-1357. doi:10.1002/2015wr018063
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Obropta, C.C., DiNardo, M.F., & Rusciano, G.M. (2008). The demonstration rain garden. Tools of the Trade,46(2), 21.
Reason, P. (2007). Education for Ecology. Management Learning,38(1), 27-44. doi:10.1177/1350507607073021
Recommended plants adapted to rain gardens in the Pacific Northwest, based on research done by Washington State University. (n.d.). Retrieved February 24, 2019 from
Siwiec, E., Erlandsen, A. M., & Vennemo, H. (2018). City greening by rain gardens - costs and benefits. Ochrona Srodowiska I Zasobów Naturalnych,29(1), 1-5. doi:10.2478/oszn-2018-0001
Turk, R. L., Kraus, H. T., Bilderback, T. E., Hunt, W. F., & Fonteno, W. C. (2014, May). (PDF) Rain garden filter bed substrates affect stormwater nutrient remediation. American Society for Horticultural Science(49)5, 645-652. doi:10.21273/HORTSCI.49.5.645


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